Monday, January 24, 2011

Rhetorical Analysis essay

     The blog that I read about was stating the fact that the FOX network should not worry about the ratings of the Super Bowl game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Green Bay Packers. The analyst stated that even though both teams derive from smaller cities than the New York Jets or Chicago Bears the network will still have millions of people watching the game. The blog used logical statistics about how many people will be watching the game which is estimated over 90 million. The style of the blog was for the reader to understand that FOX will have no trouble promoting this game because both teams have two of the largest followings of fans. Even over the past five years, both teams have been aired just as much and more than other nfl teams. The audience of this blog was for the average reader and the producers at the FOX network to let them know that the ratings of the game will be a huge success.The blog even had a NBC editors quote on there about how he was envious of FOX which makes the argument of the blog even more solid by having the authority of that comment posted.

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