Thursday, March 31, 2011

Essay Outline

      I. Introduction
              A. Texting  while driving is dangerous because it causes accidents and even death
              B.  Studies show that people who text and drive become distracted and are more likely to crash.
                     a. MSN auto conducted a survey with results that texting while driving increases the chance of accident because of the distraction.
      II. Body Paragraphs
             A. I think that making a device in vehicles that only allows calls to be made to and from the vehicle.
             B. Police can enforce the law even more and make the fines really expensive to force drivers not to text and drive.
                   a.In some states the fine is 159 dollars but that should be increased to 300 dollars to be more of a deterrent toward texting and driving.
                   b. All 50 states need to make texting while driving illegal
            C. There are devices such as iZup, CellSaftey, and ZoomSafer that are plans to help make texting stay out of vehicles.
      III. Conclusion
             A. Restate my thesis which will be the problem and proposal.
             B. Let the reader understand that this change will have a positive impact on the lives of drivers
                  a. Saving lives is the key goal to fixing this problems and studies show such as MSN auto show that with no texting in vehicles, drivers will be more ficused on the road and automobile accidents will decrease.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

International space program the next steps

     The International space program is a program that I think should be continued. Even though it cost millions of dollars, in the greater perspectives of things the program will allow for us to learn more about the universe and what is really out there. I one of the next steps should be going farther into space. I think that if astronauts would be willing to go farther into space that we could learn so much more about space. It would mean that the astronauts would have to give up there families and friends for a few years, but they would go down in history once they come back to Earth. The step would try to get the astronauts to Mars and back safely. Or even letting people stay longer in the International Space Station, like allowing astronauts to bring their pets or other animals to see how they would react to the new environment.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

3rd Essay Prompt credibility

   For my credibility, I am going to use past people from the hall of fame along with the owners of the sports. This is because they own certain corporations so they have the authority to make the rules and credentials to induct an athlete into the hall of fame. The other credibility I am using will be the athletes that have already been inducted. This is because they know what is needed since they were once there and passed the credentials to be inducted. The committees that these franchises have are entitled to make the rules since they pay money and run the sport to make it what it is in the first place. Without the owners and the committees making the credentials nobody would know what was what because everybody would want a say; that is why there decision is the final one. This allows for only the athletes that should be inducted are inducted.