Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Visual argument question one pg 908 and question one pg 921

       For Question one on page 908, the one I found most appealing was the one done by Melanie Frost on page 905. This is because it is simple and easy to read. It also has a picture of a tree made out of hands which to me symbolizes that we all can come and work together, even though we are diverse. It also symbolizes how different students from different backgrounds can live together in the same residence halls.  The one that was my least favorite was the one by Stephanie Heyman on page 904. I think there is just too much going on the backgrounds with all the colors make it hard to read. The letters and words are also in different fonts making the poster difficult to read and know whats going on.

     For Question one on page 921, the first cartoon is making fun of the fact that one can get into college based on their race and preferences. The second cartoon is making fun how the Supreme Court makes the decision of if race should promote diversity when they are all white but one. The third cartoon is a group of pictures making fun of the fact that other ethnicity than white have a better chance of getting into college on the fact there different and supposedly had a harder life than whites. The fourth cartoon is a group of college students and one that did not get in because a minority took his place because the school wants to be diverse. And the last cartoon shows how rich people can make it easier for there kids to get into college. The one I think is most effective is the fourth one about admissions because colleges are pressured to be diverse. The least effective to me was the Supreme Irony because there is not a whole lot of explanation so one has to draw there own reason about what it means.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Analyzing advertisement post

        The advertisement I chose to analyze is a poster of the "Coors Light Twins" who also did commercials. The Coors Light company created the visual text and it is distributed by them as well. The idea behind the image is that it makes guys think that if they drink Coors Light they will be able to hang out with beautiful women like the twins. The twins are wearing short short's and have pom poms and they are cheering. Under the picture there is a statement that says "Here's to Football." The image makes me want to buy Coors Light because it gives me the impression that if I drink Coors Light I will be able to hang out with women like that. The ad wants the eyes to focus on the twins bodies so it gets their attention. Then hopefully they will read the ad under it about Coors Light. There is a water fountain in the background which I think represents refreshment. The image is suppose to portray a fun, relaxing time if you buy and drink Coors Light and I think it gets the message across.