Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2nd Essay Rhetorical Comparison Blog

     For my essay, I am going to compare the TV ad of Doritos and the Food Network show "Hell's Kitchen". I want to compare and contrast these two medias because they both talk about food but use two different concepts. For example the commercial uses humor to attract the audience while "Hell's Kitchen" uses anger and frustration to appeal to the audience. The commercial gets its point across in thirty seconds but the TV series makes the audience want to tune in every week to see what is going to happen next. They both use logical facts (logos) to inform the audience what the purpose is. For example, the commercial's purpose is to get the audience to want and buy Doritos. For the TV series, it is about who will make it through the tough challenges to receive the grand prize of there own show on the Food Network. They both use emotion (pathos) to attract the audiences attention. 

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