Wednesday, February 23, 2011

3rd Essay Prompt

   For my essay, I am going to be defining what makes a Hall of Famer a Hall of Famer. This is because I enjoy watching sports and everyone has their own opinion about what makes an athlete meet that criteria. For example, in basketball should someone who has averaged 25 points a game be inducted over someone who had 15 points and 10 assists per game. It is tough for those individuals who have to induct players over other players that to some people might have been better than the ones inducted. That is why I think they should have a set goal so nobody is cheated. In baseball, it takes years after players have retired before they are ever inducted. A set goal would allow for the players who met the goal to be inducted. There is no way to please everyone all of the time so I think that every manager in the sport should discuss and vote on the goal.

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