Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Essay prompt

      I have decided to write about the song "Walking on the fightin side of me" by Merle Haggard. I have chose this song because it is a country classic and has rhythm in the words. The song talks about how the singer is mad with the way our soliders are treated and even looked down upon. This song speaks to me cause I have family that are currently in the service of our country and it is them who help keep our land free. In the song Merle describes how we take for granted the liberties that we have and because of this we do not give them the appreciation that they deserve. I believe that this song can be considered poetry because poetry is sometimes used to inspire people and maket them see things in a different way. This song tells the story of a man that is just tired of the way Americans act toward their freedom and is going to let them have it if they come complaning to him about war. The song is poetry because it speaks to people in the way that poetry does. The song also has some good metaphors which keeps the song moving in a rhythmic pattern. And I chose this song because it is country and I am from the south and it gives me a since of pride for my country and people who fight and die to keep this country the way it is. Personally I am not a big fan of poetry but when one can break down a song like this and really look at it it allows for young people like me to get involved with poetry.

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