Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Lottery Comparison

     After reading "The Lottery",  it made me realize how blindly people follow certain rules or traditions. In today's society, one comparison would be the way we follow the ideas of the media. It is like everybody wants to know what is going on and what is cool and whatever is on television, or what people say in Hollywood  that is cool and in style and we as a society follow it blindly. It is as if people want to be accepted so bad they will do whatever the cool people tell them to do. And by doing this we form to a "tradition" that we just keep on doing and we do not even realize it. I am familiar with this "tradition" because I see it happening all around such as school and work. School is the biggest example because everybody is trying to look cool and to do that they follow the other "cool" people like the football players and cheerleaders by copying whatever they do. This tradition is not needed just like the tradition of stoning a citizen in "The Lottery". But the sad thing is I am familiar with this "tradition" because I also follow it. I like to be cool and not get picked on so I blindly follow what is cool and what is not to be accepted by by peers. People follow traditions such as these because sometimes like in "The Lottery", people are afraid of change. The media has a huge impact on the way we live and how we act yet we still follow what it tells us to do.

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