Monday, September 27, 2010

Short Stories Blog

     After reading the first short story"The Use of Force", it reminded me of going to the doctor and not listening to my parents. I remember not wanting to go to where when I was forced I did not listen to my parent's orders. What I did not understand from the story is why the doctor put up with it. If I was him after she knocked off my glasses I would of left or stopped trying to help until the parents had control of their daughter. Sometimes I think that children act that way to get attention from whoever will listen to them.
     In the second short story "A Visit of Charity", that little girl who visited saw the nursing home the way most children see it. Even when I go sometimes now it is usually cold and dark and not very pretty. The old women remind me of some people I have visited at places like that over the years, there just sick of the place and do not really know how to treat company because some of them are not in their right mind. Most older women like that also like to talk continuously because they do not get many visitors.The girl in the short story represents innocence to the world and to her surroundings.
     And in the third short story "Sleepy", it was not what I expected. The servant is just wanting to get some sleep but her master does not let her because he makes her do all the chores including keeping the child asleep. It reminds me of when I am at work and wanting to leave so bad but I keep getting orders from my boss telling me to do my job. I think if only I can get everything done I can go home but stuff keeps coming up that I have to take care of and it drives me crazy like the woman in the story who ends up killing the child so she can finally get some rest. 

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